Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Our newest addition...

Sorry to get your hopes up, but when i say "addition" sadly I don't mean a puppy or a baby... even though I want both... DESPERATELY. But patience is a virtue, right?

Well... we got a little something to turn our painfully bare apartment into what could hopefully, maybe, sorta look like a home... well, at least cross your fingers we'll someday get to that point. 

There it is! 
Our new rug!
 I have never felt so much like a wife until now, think about it... the sole reason for this post is about a rug, thats it, A RUG! Well, I am a wife and I am one happy wife at that. Sorry for just the picture of the rug, i'm working on the living room right now and once we have more to show for it,  i'll put pictures up. But for right now we are just happy Hyders that get to come home everyday to this adorable rug that makes our little place look a bit more home-y.

Thank goodness.

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